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What is Web Development?

A web developer is a highly skilled professional who specializes in building and maintaining websites. They are responsible for the coding, design, and functionality of a website, ensuring that it meets the needs of the client or organization.

Web developers possess proficiency in programming languages such as HTML, CSS and, JavaScript to design the structure, layout, and interactivity of websites. In addition, they must possess knowledge about design principles and user experience (UX) to ensure an appealing yet easy-to-navigate site and experience for their visitors.

There are different types of web developers, each with their own area of expertise. Front-end developers focus on the client-side of the website, working on the visual aspects and user interface. They are responsible for creating a responsive design that works on different devices and browsers. Back-end developers, on the other hand, work on the server-side of the website. They handle the database and server interactions, ensuring that the website functions properly and securely. They are proficient in programming languages such as PHP, Python, or Ruby.

Full-stack developers have knowledge and skills in both front-end and back-end development. They are capable of working on all aspects of a website, from its design to its functionality.

Web developers employ various tools and technologies in addition to programming languages when building websites. Content management systems, such as WordPress or Drupal, are commonly used for website content creation and management; and version control systems like Git help track changes while collaborating with other developers.

Web developers often work closely with web designers, graphic designers, and project managers to ensure that the website meets the client's requirements. They collaborate on the website's layout, features, and functionality.

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Online Web Development Education in North Carolina

With the ever-increasing reliance on technology and the internet, the demand for web developers has grown exponentially. North Carolina offers numerous opportunities for individuals interested in pursuing a career in web services or development.

To pursue a career in web development in North Carolina, acquiring the necessary education and skills is essential. Many higher education institutions in the state offer web development degree programs or certificate courses in web development tools and related fields. These programs provide a comprehensive understanding of web development concepts, programming languages, and design principles. Completing a formal education in a web development concentration can provide you with a strong foundation and increase your employability in the field.

Web development presents promising employment prospects in North Carolina. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS), as of May 2020 there were an estimated 6,220 web developers employed there; furthermore, their projected employment growth is also positive; estimated at an expected 12% from 2019-2029 due to technology industry expansion and rising demand for innovative websites and applications.

Furthermore, the average annual wage for web developers in North Carolina is competitive. As of May 2020, the mean wage for web developers in the state was $73,510. However, it’s important to note that individual salaries may vary based on factors such as experience, education level, and location within the state.

Online Associate Degree in Web Development (AS)

Web development has become an increasingly vital skill in today's digital age, with businesses relying on websites and online platforms to reach their audience. Obtaining an associate degree in web development can be a smart choice for those looking to enter this competitive industry. Unlike traditional four-year degrees, associate programs offer a focused curriculum that allows students to gain practical skills and knowledge quickly. This means graduates can enter the job market sooner, armed with the necessary tools to excel in web design and programming.

One advantage of pursuing an associate degree is its affordability and flexibility. Many community colleges offer web development programs at a fraction of the cost compared to four-year institutions. Additionally, these programs often cater to working adults or individuals with families by providing evening or online classes. This accessibility makes it easier for aspiring web developers to juggle their studies alongside other commitments, ultimately making education more attainable for a wider range of people.

While some may question whether an associate degree carries as much weight as a bachelor's within the industry, employers are increasingly recognizing the value of practical skills gained from such programs. In fact, many employers specifically seek out candidates who have focused technical training rather than those with purely academic qualifications. This shift in perspective highlights how an associate degree can actually give individuals an edge in the job market by demonstrating their ability to apply real-world concepts effectively.

Online Bachelors Degree in Web Development (BS)

A bachelor's degree in web development can open doors to a wide range of exciting career opportunities. Beyond the technical skills acquired during the program, these degrees equip students with a comprehensive understanding of user experience (UX) design, information architecture, and digital marketing strategies. These additional areas of study enhance graduates' ability to create websites that not only function effectively but also engage users and drive business objectives.

One fascinating aspect of pursuing a bachelor's degree in web development is the emphasis on staying current with cutting-edge technologies. The rapidly evolving nature of web development means that professionals must constantly adapt to new programming languages and frameworks. By providing students with hands-on experience working on real-world projects, this degree ensures that they are well-equipped to tackle industry challenges head-on, making them highly sought-after by employers.

Moreover, a degree program in web development often encourages collaboration by assigning group projects in which students work together to create functional websites or interactive applications. This approach mimics real-world industry practices where developers collaborate as part of larger teams or cross-functional departments. In addition to fostering teamwork skills, these group projects expose students to various perspectives and problem-solving techniques, fueling their creativity and enabling them to think outside the box when it comes to designing innovative digital solutions.

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Online Masters Degree in Web Development (MS)

A master's degree in web development is an excellent choice for individuals looking to take their programming skills to the next level. While a bachelor's degree can provide a solid foundation, a master's degree offers more advanced coursework and specialization options, allowing students to delve deeper into various aspects of web development.

One of the key benefits of pursuing a master's degree in web development is the opportunity to gain specialized knowledge in emerging technologies and programming languages. The field of web development is constantly evolving, with new frameworks and tools being introduced regularly. A master's program provides students with the chance to stay ahead of the curve by learning about these cutting-edge technologies and how they can be applied in real-world scenarios.

Moreover, earning a master's degree in web development can open doors to higher-level job opportunities and increased earning potential. Employers often prioritize candidates with advanced degrees when it comes to hiring for senior positions or managerial roles within web development teams. Having a master's degree not only demonstrates expertise but also showcases dedication and commitment to continuous learning – qualities that are highly valued in this fast-paced industry.

Online PhD Degree in Web Development (PhD)

A PhD in web development is a niche degree program that offers students the opportunity to dive deep into the world of web development, conducting innovative research, and pushing the boundaries of what is possible on the internet. While many may question whether pursuing such an advanced degree in this field is necessary, it opens up a realm of possibilities for those looking to become leaders and experts in the industry.

One unique aspect of a PhD program in web development is its focus on both theoretical knowledge and practical skills. Students are not only expected to conduct research and produce academic papers but also develop their own web projects, showcasing their ability to apply what they have learned. This combination allows graduates to be well-rounded professionals who can effectively bridge the gap between academia and industry.

Additionally, a PhD in this or a related field offers students the chance to specialize in specific areas within this broad field. From user experience design to mobile app development or even cyber security, individuals can tailor their research projects based on their interests and career goals. This level of specialization not only makes them experts in their chosen field but also opens up doors for unique job opportunities that may not be available with just a bachelor's or master's degree.

Online Web Development Certifications

Web development certifications have become increasingly popular in recent years, as more and more employers are recognizing the value of these credentials. One of the main advantages of getting certified is that it allows you to stand out from the competition in a crowded job market. Employers often view certifications as proof of expertise and commitment to professional growth.

One important thing to note about web development certifications is that they are not all created equal. Some certifications offer a broad overview of web development principles, while others focus on specific languages or frameworks. It's crucial to choose a certification that aligns with your career goals and the skills you want to develop. For example, if you're interested in front-end development, look for a certification program that covers HTML, CSS, and JavaScript extensively.

Another benefit of pursuing web development certifications is the opportunity for continuous learning. Many certification programs require candidates to complete continuing education courses or keep their knowledge up to date through periodic exams. This ensures that certified professionals stay current with industry trends and advancements in technology. Furthermore, having a certification can provide access to exclusive networking opportunities or online communities where developers can connect with peers and learn from each other's experiences.

Become a Web Developer in North Carolina

If you have a passion for technology and enjoy building websites, a career as a web developer might be just the right fit for you. With the increasing demand for web developers in North Carolina, there has never been a better time to pursue this exciting career path. Here are the steps you can take to become a web developer.

  • Step 1: Obtain a High School Diploma or Equivalent

    Before embarking on your journey to become a web developer, it’s important to have a solid educational foundation. You can start by obtaining a high school diploma or GED equivalent. While this is not a requirement for all web development positions, having at least a high school education is preferred by employers.

  • Step 2: Earn a Degree in Web Development or a Related Field

    While it is possible to become a web developer through self-study and online courses, obtaining a degree in web development or a related field can significantly improve your chances of landing a job in this competitive industry. North Carolina offers several colleges and universities that offer web development programs, including bachelor's degrees in computer science or web development.

  • Step 3: Gain Experience through Internships or Entry-Level Positions

    Once you have acquired the necessary education, gaining hands-on experience is crucial in the web development field. You can seek out internships or entry-level positions at local businesses or web development agencies while you are still in school or after graduation. This will not only provide you with valuable experience but also allow you to build a professional network within the industry.

  • Step 4: Develop a Strong Portfolio

    A portfolio is essential for showcasing your skills and previous work to potential employers. As you gain experience through internships or entry-level positions, be sure to save examples of your best projects to include in your portfolio. This will demonstrate your capabilities and creativity to prospective employers.

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What Can I Do with a Bachelor's in Web Development?

A bachelor's degree in web development is a valuable credential that opens numerous job opportunities in the digital realm. With this degree, you can become a web developer and work with both front-end and back-end technologies to create visually stunning and user-friendly websites. In addition to building websites from scratch, a web developer also has the skills to maintain and update existing websites, ensuring their functionality and security.

Another exciting career path for those with a bachelor's in web development is becoming an E-commerce specialist. As businesses increasingly rely on online platforms for selling their products or services, the demand for professionals who can build and manage E-commerce websites is growing rapidly. As an E-commerce specialist, you would be responsible for developing secure payment gateways, integrating various sales channels, optimizing website speed, implementing effective marketing strategies, and maximizing user experience – all of which play a crucial role in boosting online sales.

Moreover, with your bachelor's degree in web development, you could also venture into freelance work or start your own web development agency. These entrepreneurial routes allow you to take on diverse projects across different industries while giving you the freedom to choose your clients and set your rates. As technology continues to advance at lightning speed, the demand for skilled web developers will only continue to rise – making this field an excellent choice for anyone passionate about coding and design.

Potential Careers for Web Development Graduates

  • Web Developer:

    The web developer is responsible for designing, coding, and modifying websites and web applications, from layout to function and according to a client's specifications. They strive to create visually appealing sites that feature user-friendly design and clear navigation.

    Necessary Requirements:

    • Proven working experience in web programming and development
    • Proficient in HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and related web technologies
    • Experience with front-end frameworks such as react or angular
    • Familiarity with back-end development languages like PHP or Python)
    • Strong understanding of UI/UX principles

    Estimated Salary

    • The median annual wage for web developers and digital designers in the US in 2021 was $80,730
    • The mean annual wage for web developers in North Carolina is $78,620
  • Management, Technical, and Scientific Consulting Services:

    Management, technical, and scientific consulting services professionals provide expert advice and guidance to clients from various industries. Their duties involve analyzing complex problems, devising creative solutions to them, and offering advice regarding strategic business decisions. They work closely with their client to assess their exact requirements before customizing their services.

    Necessary Requirements:

    • Bachelor's or master's degree in a relevant field such as management, engineering, or science
    • Proven experience in management consulting or a related field
    • Strong analytical skills with the ability to think critically and solve complex problems
    • Excellent communication and presentation skills

    Estimated Salary

    • The mean annual wage for management analysts in the US in 2021 was $104,660
    • The mean annual wage for management analysts in North Carolina is $102,310
  • Data Processor:

    A data processor is responsible for processing and organizing large amounts of data in an accurate and timely manner. They will use various software and tools to input, validate, clean, and analyze data to ensure its quality and integrity. They will work closely with other team members to collect and interpret data, identify trends or patterns, and generate reports to support decision-making processes.

    Necessary Requirements:

    • Proven experience in data processing or a related field
    • Proficiency in using data management software and tools (e.g., Excel, SQL)
    • Strong attention to detail and accuracy in handling large datasets
    • Excellent analytical and problem-solving skills
    • Ability to work effectively both independently and in a team environment
    • Good communication skills to convey complex information in a clear manner
    • Familiarity with data protection regulations

    Estimated Salary

    • The mean annual wage for data entry keyers in the US in 2021 was $37,970
    • The mean annual wage for data entry keyers in North Carolina is $35,370
  • Multimedia Programmer:

    Multimedia programmers are responsible for designing and developing multimedia applications, websites, and interactive experiences using programming languages and multimedia software to create engaging digital content that encompasses visuals, audio, video, animation, and interactivity.

    Necessary Requirements:

    • Bachelor's degree in computer science, multimedia design, or a related field
    • Proficiency in programming languages such as HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript, and ActionScript
    • Strong knowledge of multimedia software like Adobe Creative Suite (Photoshop, Illustrator, Premiere Pro)
    • Experience with multimedia authoring tools such as Adobe Animate or Unity3D
    • Familiarity with user interface (UI) design principles and usability best practices
    • Excellent problem-solving skills and attention to detail
    • Ability to work independently

    Estimated Salary

    • The median annual wage for computer programmers in the US in 2021 was $97,800
    • The mean annual wage for computer programmers in North Carolina is $104,890
  • Information Security Analyst:

    Information security analysts are charged with safeguarding an organization's sensitive data from unauthorized access, disclosure, and misuse. Their role involves analyzing and assessing their organization's information security systems, as well as identifying vulnerabilities and threats and devising ways to mitigate these risks.

    Necessary Requirements:

    • Bachelor's degree in computer science, information technology, or a related field
    • Proven work experience as an information security analyst or a similar role
    • In-depth knowledge of information security

    Estimated Salary

    • The median annual wage for information security analysts in the US in 2021 was $112,000
    • The mean annual wage for information security analysts in North Carolina is $122,580
  • Computer Science Systems Analyst:

    Computer systems analysts are responsible for evaluating an organization's computer systems and procedures, identifying any inefficiencies, and proposing solutions to increase overall efficiency and functionality. Their role entails both technical expertise and business acumen to ensure computer systems meet users' needs effectively.

    Necessary Requirements:

    • Bachelor's degree in computer science, information technology, or a related field
    • Proven experience as a computer systems analyst or a similar role
    • In-depth knowledge of computer systems, software development, databases, and networking
    • Strong analytical skills

    Estimated Salary

    • The median annual wage for computer systems analysts in the US in 2021 was $102,240
    • The mean annual wage for computer systems analysts in North Carolina is $99,830
  • Computer Programmer:

    Programmers are responsible for writing, testing, and maintaining computer programs and applications. They typically collaborate closely with software developers, designers, and project managers in understanding requirements and specifications of a particular software product or project while debugging any bugs that arise during its creation process.

    Necessary Requirements:

    • Bachelor's degree in computer science or a related field
    • Proficient in programming languages such as Java, C++, Python, etc
    • Strong problem-solving skills
    • Experience with software development methodologies
    • Knowledge of database management systems
    • Excellent communication and teamwork skills

    Estimated Salary

    • The median annual wage for computer programmers in the US in 2021 was $97,800
    • The mean annual wage for computer programmers in North Carolina is $104,890
  • SEO Specialist:

    An SEO specialist will be responsible for increasing a website's visibility and ranking in search engine results pages. This role requires an in-depth knowledge of search engine algorithms, keyword research techniques, on-page and off-page optimization techniques, and cross-functional team collaboration to implement effective strategies that drive organic traffic, increase conversions, and enhance overall website performance.

    Necessary Requirements:

    • Proven work experience as an SEO specialist or a similar role
    • In-depth knowledge of search engine algorithms and ranking factors
    • Familiarity with SEO tools, such as google analytics, SEMrush, or Moz

    Estimated Salary

    • The mean annual wage for market research analysts and marketing specialists in the US in 2021 was $78,880
    • The mean annual wage for market research analysts and marketing specialists in North Carolina is $75,710

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